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Types of content models

Article Fields

Article fields extend the functionality of the editor to provide custom features to articles.


Editor Blocks

Editor blocks let you make pieces of content that you can use over and over again in the article body. You can style these blocks using Karbon or another tool you like.

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Example Usage: Article Affiliate Links

Want to create an affiliate layout that matches your brand? Editor Blocks are a great way to build this.


Protip: this is also great for creating CTAs


Article Metafields

Article metafields let you add extra info to an article, which shows up outside the article body. You can style this using Karbon or another framework.

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Example Usage: Reviews

Want to easily add star reviews to content? That’s just one of the many use cases for article metafields.


Global Fields

Global fields allow you to provide custom data to your publication as a whole.


Tag Collections

In creating a tag collection, you can put tags with similar topics together.


This lets developers make pages with different kinds of media easily. With Storipress' tool for building data models, publishers can change these pages easily.

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Example Usage: Brand Pages.

Do you want to make a page with all the brands you write about, and let people change simple info about these pages? Make a tag for each brand, put the tag on the right articles, and then use these tags to make a brand page.


The page on the left is a great example of how Hypebeast creates a brand page for Nike.

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